mystery, horror and magic!!! in other words the "unseen world" or something like that...

Chrono Crusade

Chrono Crusade is about a girl named Rosette trying to save her brother from a villian with her trusty friend Chrono who is a demon with a harsh past. she live in the churche and her job is to hunt other demon's. on her way trying to save her brother and while defeating other demons. she meets new friends and they help her in any way they can. the story do not realy end until you see all the ep's and that's 1 of the things making it interesting. the story itself is kinda sad but is an amazing story. from all the anime i saw this is 1 of my favourite and i hope you will like it to. links:
1st episode, English subbed(part 1/3)
1st episode, english sub (part 2/3)
1st episode, english sub (part 3/3)


watanuki is not that of an ordinary orphan... he could see spirits ever since he remember and they always stick to him and that realy anoying him. one day he get to a wierd shop that grant wishe's for something that have the same value. after some time he find himself working at the shop that grante's wishe's as yuuko (shopkeeper) make him get along with doumeki, somebody from his class that he hate. a lot of wierd things happening and there's a lot of mistery and stuff! anyway i reccomend to see it so why not give it a shot. (from the creatores of tsubasa chronicle). here a link to the 1st episode, English subbed.

xxxholic kei

the continue of xxxholic where more mysterios things apear and watanuki find himself in more complicated things then he thought.... there are more stuff and like that so if you liked xxxholic watch the continue. here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub.

ghost hound

a little scary and creepy anime but it have this thing that make's you wanna know what happen next or what is he truth. its about 3 boys from a village who had expirience a hard past... they find themselves in a case bigger then they ould expect in order to find out the reasons for the horrible case 11 years ago at that village. here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub.

ghot hunt

WARNING! PLEASE DONT WRITE HOUND INSTEAD OF HUNT (MEANING DONT ADD THE O) BECAUSE YOU'L FIND A COMPLETLY DIFFRENT ANIME! ghost hunt is a very good anime about mai who meets naru and he's helper lee and join there company SPR (shibuya psycik researech) and help people who are hunted by ghost's to fix the problem.... it have its horror moment's to! hope you enjoy! here is a link to the 1st ep, english sub.

death note

complain if you want cause im not sure if you put death note here or in another category.... sorry ^^ anyway im sure you all know death note because its realy famous (i think)..... but what the heck :) its about Light (Light is he's name) that found a notebook that a shinigami (death angel) droped. if you write the name of a person while knowing how he looks you can kill him, that the power of the note... using the note light start to kill criminals hoping to be a "god" of a new world... but in he's way there is the police and "L".... L is a genius detective (i think he's a detective) that is little by little getting closer to the truth of who kills the criminals.... im gonna stop here cause i make this anime sound wierd.... but you gotta see it! its REALY good! :D
here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub (part 1/3)
here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub (part 2/3)
here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub (part 3/3)


a horror anime. its about shindou that ever since that case that happened in hes town have been seeing bad dreames about a monster and a half naked, covered in blood girl with a swored. little by little hes getting to see what realy happened in that case and he discoveres how scary it is... i know that i dicribed it REALY lame but its a good anime to those who like horror and stuff :D
here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub (full)

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