"mystery problem's" in other word's these cases with the detective's and stuff that you need to find the murderer or thief.

detctive academy Q

also called "tantei gakuen Q". kyuu's dream is to be a detective and when it come's to case's he watch on t.v he solve the problem in no time. one day he get into a real case and find himself solving it to. he meet's a detective from a school name'd DDS- Dan Morihiko Detective School that invite's them in. Dan Morihiko is 1 of the greatest detective's that absolutly gaine'd all of the police trust and the school he created "DDS" is very famous to for helping to the police and solving real case's. if you wanna know what happend to kyuu see the anime. all the episode's are on www.veoh.com.

detective conan

shinichi was a very famous high school detective after some people in black force'd him to take some kind of medicine that turn him into an elementry school kid and without no one knowing exept some crazy inventor, he's seret he solve's many case's using he's childhood friend (and crush) ran (she's not running... its just her name) dad's detetive company (for those who didnt get it, shinichi's childhood friend dad is a detective) but instead of bieng called "shinichi" in order to hide he's identity he's calling himself "edogawa conan". find he first's episode's on www.youtube.com, www.animewoot.com and then i think you'll find some of the others on www.veoh.com OR you can go to the great site made for detective conan detectiveconan.us.

spiral suiri no kizuna

narumi's big brother that was a legend at piano and as a detective has gone missing and he's last words on the phone he said something about the "blade children". narumi is starting to get involved in the blade children after a series of cases he somehow solved. what are the blade children? how is the blade children connected with narumi's big brother dissapearens? and what does the blade children want from narumi? a cute anime that i found while talking with people on a website about detective conan.... wierd how i found it ^^ here is a ling to the 1st episode, english sub.

majin tantei nougami neuro

up until now yako lived a happy high school girl life, until one day her father was murdered in a room closed case and the criminal wasnt found.... suddenly looking up she saw neuro- a demon who feeds on "mysteries" and using yoko as a puppet show he makes it seems that yoko is a great high school detective and actually solve the cases himself and in return neuro will sove her fathers case.... im reading the manga (online) now and ill tell you, there are a few things diffrent from the manga and the anime... even tho its on this page this anime has its unnatural parts in it (demon is a nice example)... hope you enjoy.
here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub - part 1 of 3

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