welcome fans !

all fans that come here are anime fans i know it! this is the new website i putted for anime. this website have description's about anime that i want to reccomend with links to the episode's (in the mean-time ill put link's to the 1st's episode's but at further step ill add link's to other episode's to). the logo under neath this, i draw it, and as you can see its VERY lame.... so please if you dont mind send me one of you'r drawing that you think fit's this site with you'r sign (so people will know its you'r drawing) to this e-mail: [email protected] or upload to some site and write the link: in the forum or in the contact form under the simbel. it is recommended to use a FAKE name but its your decision... i just want to thank you on the site... thank you, the site's creator: KUROchan50.


i just found a page from a website with words in japanese to HEBREW words... ill be looking for more in diffrent laungueges that mybe youl find your launguege and that way itl be easier 2 under stand... i reapet this is in HEBREW!

this site will do for english.... it shows a lot so i hope youl enjoy :D

i started an acount on deviantart.com and hope you will come see. here is a link

i found this site where you can read manga online and its GREAT! you gotta see it! here is a link

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