HI! this is sports and stuff! i didnt know how to call it so if you have any idea for a title please write it at the forum T_T


i myself am not sure about the anime cuase i only started seeingt but ill give it my best shot! and by the way, its an anime about soccer. kazamatsuri shou is a boy who want to be a soccer player and he is trying his very best! a lot is going thro but in the end he still plays soccer (im not sure so if you know please help me write a better explanation "^^ PLEASE! T_T here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub.

prince of tennis

im sure you all know this anime but still :D its about tennis (of course). echizen ryouma is the son of a VERY famous tennis player who quitted from unknown reasons. when he (the SON of course) starts playing at the tennis club at seigaku he start bieng a regular member and plays againt a lot of strong players and get strong himself! a lot is happening and sometime i forget that its JUST A GAME!!! (they play like their life is on the line if you ask me T_T) but still it is a very good anime and i hope you enjoy it! here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub.

hikaru no go

go is a sport to! (i think)...... to those who dont know (and im sure you know) go is a boared game. the anime itself is about hikaru shindou that gets haunted by a ghost named sai who want to play go all the time. at some point after seeing sai plays so much time hikaru starts playing by himself and is maturing in an incredible phase..... he starts bieng a pro and stuff and meet akira! akira is the son of a famous go player and he and hikaru start bieng rivals..... you must think its the anime that wierd but its how i explain it so see for yourself! its a good anime :) here is a link to the 1st episode, english sub.

eyeshield 21

sena always get bullie in school but i still get how but he somehow got realy but realy fast with running and himura, the american football captain use that in order to have him be the teams ace but because of personal reasons he need to hise hes identity, so he start playing with an eyeshield and is calling himself eyeshield 21. i make it sound wierd but its a good anime with a little comedy in it.

here is a link to the 1st eisode -part 1/3